Sunday, January 31, 2010

Halley's 10 Months

Well she has actually been Ten months now for a little over a week. Our weeks just seem to go by so fast that sometimes I forget to blog about the most important stuff. My precious baby, oh how I love her. She is so sweet and kind. Today at church another baby wanted to play with her and Halley was very cautious, she looked at me for a long time, then at the baby for a long time. Wasn't to sure if she should play with her until the Mother offered her some cheerios. She is so timid around other people. At home its a different story. I cant keep her out of the bathroom, she loves toilet paper and has figured out how to dump the basket of bows and hair bands, She loves to play in them. She also loves to open her drawers and pull out all her clothes. When she sees me coming to get her she simply gives me a sweet smile that melts my heart. I have given up folding her pajamas in the bottom drawer so she can just have fun playing with them. We have a huge basket of toys in the living room for her to play with but her favorite is everything she shouldn't play with, the remotes, phones, DVDs, markers and loves to rip pages out of Ava's books that she doesn't keep put up. Halley is the best sleeper and has been since we brought her home from the hospital. Right now she sleeps from 10 to 10. Waking up once around 1 or 2 to nurse. At her check up the Dr. said she is perfectly healthy. She weighs 17 lbs 3oz, which puts her in the 10th percentile and is 26 inches tall, which puts her in the 5th percentile. So she is little but she is still growing and doing everything she should. She is busy, busy, busy and has an appetite to go along with it. I seriously think she eats more than Ava, and she still nurses every 3 hours or so. Her favorites are cheese, yogurt, carrots, mashed potatoes, rice, and meat, she will basically eat anything but baby food. I have tried so many times and if she sees what the rest of the family is eating, she turns her head and wont open her mouth unless its table food.


brooke and chad coon said...
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rneweyfamily said...

go Halley! Rachel is kinda picky with babyfood also. I have taken to hiding it in other food.

Dallas - Jaycie - Ashton - Jaxon said...
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