Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Yay, We had a good time at the fair!

This is the first ride the girls went on! They had so much fun! We did rides for about 4 exhuasting hours! Victoria is a little bit chicken to go on rides, and Ava wanted to go on all the rides, even the ones she is too short for! Victoria's favorite was the train, that Kalab made me go on with them, that I barely fit in it! Ava's favorite was the demolition cars, I went on it with her, and it wasn't to bad. The cars spun around as they were going in circles making you think you were going to hit the other cars, Victoria screamed and Ava laughed hard on that one! I would gladly go on the train to make him go on the Farris wheel, I hate farris wheels! The girls really liked to go on that one with Daddy. and of course the fun house, Ava was going so fast on the slide I thought she was going to fall off! and of course Halley was a little angel the whole time, she is the best baby! I just love her so much! I am so glad we were able to take the girls on rides and let them have some fun! After the rides we met up with Grandpa Bryce and looked at all the exhibits and booths and of course got some good fair food, and for dessert we had a Tiger Ear a.k.a elephant ear, I guess here they call them tiger ears because were the bengal tigers at ISU. All in all it was a pretty decent day. The girls slept so good that night at Grandpa Bryce's!


The Hardy Pardy said...

Looks like you had a ton of fun! I use to love taking you guys to the fair!

The Hardy Pardy said...

How did you get those french braids so tight!!