Monday, September 21, 2009

23 Years!

Yesterday was my Mom and Dads 23rd year of blissful marriage. I admire my parents a lot. They have certainly had there fair share of trials and they continue to be happily married and to be awesome parents. My Mom gives everything to her kids and Husband. She works so hard and a lot of the time with very little thanks. I will admit I took her for granted a lot growing up. Not until I had kids of my own did I realize how much she loves all of her kids and how much she does for all of us. Everyday we had hot breakfasts and homade cookies or treats when we got home from school. For years she sacrificed everything for us to have what we needed or what we wanted. She was always taking us to go swimming we had endless sleepovers and parties a couple of them with no warning on my part. We always had rides to school or practice. We always had great birthdays and awesome Christmas's' . Mom and Dad if I dont tell enough, I love you and am so glad you are my parents. Dad thank you for the countless nights helping me with my homework telling me that I was smarter than I was giving my self credit for. Thank You Dad for the countless things you have fixed for me, including my truck in high school that was always breaking down, I think you even came to Twin once when I was in college to come fix it for me. Thank you for everything you have taught me and done for me I really appreciate it. I love you guys so much. Thank you for being wonderful Grandparents. It means so much to me that you guys take time to get to know and love my children. Hopefully someday we will be able to live closer to you guys. Kalab and I both would like that. Thank You for everything you guys have done. We love you! (Sorry for the lousy picture, its pretty old and I had to scan it, but its my favorite memory with my parents)

1 comment:

The Hardy Pardy said...

You made me cry, thats so sweet. We love you kids so much. Thanks for all the happy memories, raising you was all trial and error. Thank goodness you turned out ok despite it all. I admit I'm so happy to be a grandma. It's so much easier! Haha.