Monday, September 21, 2009

Summer is turning into Fall!

The days are getting shorter and colder! We are starting to settle down and not be so busy! So we haven't really done a whole lot the past couple weeks. Kalab is working a lot and going to school, so we are seeing less and less of him as school takes all of his attention! Halley is growing so much. She is still sweet as ever! Ava and I have been working on writing her name and I was having no luck, then out of the blue she came up to me and said Mom look I wrote my name. YaY! she was listening and learning. She also had a friend come over for lunch. They are so cute together. We have also been giving Halley little bits of rice cereal. She was so ready for it and she is loving it!

1 comment:

Dallas - Jaycie - Ashton - Jaxon said...

Halley is so precious! I just love how tender she is... and CONGRATS to Miss Ava Kay! That is so cool that she can write her name! We can't wait to see you guys in a couple weeks! :) xoxo