Tuesday, May 5, 2009

oh a Moms work is never done!

What a day today was! Ava is testing my patience to no end. I put her in the bath and then to bed. Its about an hour early, I dont want to yell at her tonight so its safer for her to be in bed! I was just changing Halley's diaper, (it was a big blowout) and when I was taking it to the trash, Ava runs up to tell me she put her sister in the swing, I had left her on the floor thinking she would be safe for 3 seconds. It was really cute that Ava was so excited that she had helped me, I am so glad that Halley wasn't hurt. We have talked and talked to Ava about leaving her sister alone, but shes only three and her curiosity and enthusiasm get the best of her! I washed and dried and put away all her clothes today just to find her drawers a mess and clothes all over her room. Its just been one of those days where I cant get ahead. I love Ava so much, and everyday I pray for the strength and patience so I can be a great Mom for her. All I can hope is that tomorrow is a better day! Today Kalab and I were talking about Sunday which is Mothers Day, he said he has something special planned and that he has a good present for me, needless to say I am really excited! Kalab isnt very good about hiding gifts and I always end up finding what he gets for me, I found my Christmas presnents, Valentines and my Birthday cake all a couple days early. So he said he hid it really good, and I am looking everywhere!


rneweyfamily said...

Oh do I know those days! You are a great mom.

cynthia said...

your a wonderful mom and excellent wife, i'm thankful for you as a daughter-inlaw. i been there done that so keep up the patience. your girls are as different as day and night, arn't they?