Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Lovely Day!

Today has just been faboulous! Ava has actually been listening to me and helping me out. I was able to make an awesome dinner before Kalab got home, and send him a good lunch. I got the entire house clean, both girls got a bath. And when Kalab was on his way to work he sent me a text that said, you deserve to stay at home cause your so good at it! Thank You for being a good Mom and wife! So today is just one of those days where I feel on cloud nine, its truly rewarding to be a Mommy! Its hard for me sometimes cause Kalab goes to school in the morning then we get to spend a few hours together then he goes to work from 4 to midnight! So I am alone for most of the day. I am glad that every now and then it can just be a lovely day! Later Ava gets to have her friends come over, so thier Mom and Dad can go to a birthing class. They watched Ava for us, now its our turn to watch thier kids, they all have so much fun together, and its good for Ava to have some fun!

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