Sunday, March 22, 2009

Is she ever going to come!

Ava helping me blow out my Birthday candles. Kalab made this beautiful cake for me, the only one in the 5 years we've been married.

39 weeks pregnant! Wow I never thought I would get here. Ava was born at almost 36 weeks. I'm really not miserable, I dont have heartburn, I am not in any pain, I sleep pretty well for the most part, but I really want to have this baby! I am so tired of being pregnant! I guess I am pretty hormonal though, Kalab is being understanding for the most part, but there is only so much he can take. I really wanted her to be born on my Birthday which didnt happen. Now Kalab wants her to be born on his Birthday, (are you kidding me?) I go to bed everynight hoping that in the morning my water will break or I will start having contractions, but everymorning its the same, nothing. Which automatically puts me in a bad mood! Everyday I do something special with Ava knowing that it might be the last special time we have alone together! I really hate not knowing when its going to happen, not knowing if Im even close. Today somebody told me they went overdue two weeks. Two weeks! I am walking lots, down hill and up hill. Dancing and jumping up and down playing with Ava, lifting heavy laundry, sex and she just isnt ready to come yet. So I have no choice but to continue to wait! Wish me luck, and Kalab some sanity, he is on spring break and he is laid off all week. Perfect week to have a baby, huh! But she probally wont come.

1 comment:

rneweyfamily said...

I totally know how you feel! I hope she comes soon for you. I don't really have any advice, although I ate a lot of pineapple the week before I had her. someone said that's supposed to help. Either way, it tasted really good.