Friday, May 22, 2009

Terribly Happy

I was looking at my Sisters blog, and she wants everyone to list ten things that make them Happy! So if you want to do it to go ahead, its an interesting way to get to know everybody!

1. That sweet baby smell

2. breastfeeding my baby, I absolutly love it when she has milk dribbling down her cherubic cheeks.

3. Ava's face when something excites her

4. When I'm actually right and I can rub it in to Kalab, it doesnt happen to often!

5. Finding a great deal

6. Getting a fabulous hair cut, nails done, getting new make-up!

7. Seeing the scale numbers move down

8. running in a marathon

9. cooking an awesome meal

10. hiking in the mountains, smelling the fresh outside air!

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